We get to serve some cool people here at Making the Moment – no doubt. People with fun life stories, amazingly unique professions and varying and intriguing cultural backgrounds. The common denominator across all of our couples is one simple thing. Love.I absolutely adored spending a beautiful fall evening with the two of them photographing their engagement session. I really got to know these two – and that’s important as I’ll be their wedding photographer next october. I ♥ getting to know my couples this way, as it totally benefits their wedding photographs.
That’s why I believe so much in the power of an engagement session with your wedding photographer, you really get to build that relationship. Relationships are the center point of all great photography, especially wedding photography in Cleveland. Without a relationship of trust and respect between a wedding photographer and a couple, you end with lifeless and dull imagery.
I love the imagery above and below. Garrett is a golf pro by trade, and so I met them at a local driving range so Garrett could give Katie some lessons. It was fun watching the two of them flirt and tease.
They really are in love these two – and that love between a couple drives my imagery and my creative methods. I’m not a believer in straight up traditional wedding photography. I think its important to know how to technically capture images of course, what I mean is I think we’re all tired of images of people just “walking around and kissing” everywhere. Although I think showing romance and intimacy (appropriately of course 🙂 ) in imagery is important, Relationships have so much more dimension to them than just that.
We are after all multi-faceted people, with multi-faceted relationships. That’s why I think I like Garrett and Katie’s engagement session so much – it shows them off through so many facets of their lives and relationship. I like these images (and I believe they do too) because I was able to capture and share the essence of who they are. PS – the out of focus image above is one of my very favorites of the year 🙂
I’m beyond thrilled to be their Cleveland wedding photographer next fall. It’s going to be a beautiful and fun time, and I’m stoked to see them again.