So, this is what happens when one melds tradition, perfect pocket squares, parties, and split pants.
All of those things happened. Welcome to weddings 🙂
You can plan. You can measure. You can weigh, balance, counter-balance, and counter-counter-balance, but even with every invite sent and all of the center-pieces assembled, you’re still bringing your family and friends together for a public testament. That’s what it’s all about. That’s the meat and potatoes. The smile-cuddle [ sophisticated terminology aside ]. The wink during the ceremony. The rings.
Don’t hear me wrong, here. Look like Anna ^^ Do yourself up. Be well. Get your favorite beer. Make your signature drink. Buy your bridal party gifts [ preferably jewelry ]. Splurge on nicer linens. Just remember, point being, the entire event boils down to other circling you during that ceremony. Don’t lose sight of that.
Too lazy to scroll down and read through all of our whimsically fun write-up on their wedding day? Take a moment, and watch the short wedding film we crafted for them [ above ]. Anna and Mitch had us produce one of our full length Fusion Films for them, but the shortened piece above was too fun not to share!
This is what it’s about. Seeing her like this for the first time.
It’s about a dress with pockets and funny faces. Even constipated faces needn’t apply.
It’s about her arm around him, in a golf card, whilst traveling 6 mph in a 5 mph zone, whilst not watching where you’re going.
It’s about taking random phone calls in the middle of your Creative Session.
Then smiling like the photo on your lawyer-y business card.
It’s about the men that matter.
It’s about this guy. This guy, amiright?
It’s about open-mouthed laughs.
This. This is what it’s about. Holding his hand as you contemplate this binding agreement. This act of law, fittingly enough.
It’s about cheering as she signs that thing, barring her soul to your soul for all eternity. Or death, I guess? I dunno, this is all pretty morbid. He’s happy tho 😀
It’s about proud parents on a not-so-casual stroll down a wonderfully designed aisle.
It’s about Calla Lilies, silhouetted in their own beauty, overlooking your vows. [ Props to Stephen Tokar regarding the fantastic foliage ]
It’s about Anna circling Mitch as opposed to just the other way around, because a marriage is a partnership is a marriage is a contract.
It is about making your dream a reality, at least for a day. Kim with My Noteworthy Event most definitely did this for Anna and Mitch. There is nothing wrong with showing your loved ones the beauty in your brain, via Beechmont Country Club, in this case.
It’s about:
Step #1) Having a live band
Step #2) Involuntarily jumping the instant they start playing
Step #3) Donning your bride + groom, wedding-date-engraved, custom Nike sneaks for the party
It’s about making that face that everyone makes when they’re spinning a little too quickly in a circle. You know, like when the heroine and lead man dance at a party in the middle of a Rom Com.
It’s about the way your brothers throw you on a chair, hoist you there, in the air, like they just don’t care, and you don’t dare stare, because it’s unfair.
Also, hold this napkin with me, don’t ever let it go.
It’s about your brothers
roasting lambasting you, your profession, and your demeanor to a room full of people that you love….and everyone’s ok with it.
Except him.
It’s about one last dance with your father.
It’s about her trying to hold it together.
It’s about this grind-face. He’s definitely grinding and facing.
It’s about pulling grandma out onto the dance floor, reveling in her laugh-smile-grin and throwing up signs for all to see. It’s about grandma remembering this moment for the rest of her days, and the perfect depiction of said event.
Perfect depiction of said event, take 2.
Lastly, it’s about smooching her [ dip extra ] regardless of drink or proximity or surroundings or want or care.
That’s what all of this is about. It’s about celebrating a momentous occasion, but remembering that you, your family, and your friends make it momentous. It’s not the stuff. The stuff is cool and the stuff adds to the aura, but the aura is you. Don’t ever forget that 🙂